The ability to monitor and respond adequately when security is breached separates the good security plan from the average one.

It is imperative to have a secure operational centre (either on-site or off-site) that can monitor all the security personnel and devices that have been so meticulously put into place. Kashi’s Surveillance & Monitoring Services (SAMS) addresses this critical need.

The SAMS should not only have the capability to provide surveillance and monitoring 24/7 all weather day / night, but should also have the capability to respond to any incident / breach in a time frame that the security breach / incident is contained and resolved before it develops into a crisis.

The Kashi SAMS with its Secure Operational Centre (SOC) and well trained Quick Action Team(s) (QAT) is capable of monitoring and responding in the necessary time frame at the place of the incident / breach to ensure that this critical aspect of security is addressed in an effective manner.

  • On-site and off-site Surveillance & Monitoring Services (SAMS)
  • Incident Response through Quick Action Team(s) (QAT)

The SAMS Fundamentals


Deterrence Detection Delay Response Recovery
provides countermeasures such as policies, procedures,
and technical devices and controls to defend against
attacks on the assets being protected.
monitors for potential breakdowns in protective mechanisms
that could result in security breaches.
is a necessary measure if there is a breach, to slow
down the intruders long enough to allow a security team
to apprehend them before they achieve their objective.
which requires human involvement, covers procedures
and actions for assessing the situation and responding
to a breach.
is your plan to continue business and operations as
normally as possible following an incident.

Deterrence: provides countermeasures such as policies, procedures, and technical devices and controls to defend against attacks on the assets being protected.

Detection: monitors for potential breakdowns in protective mechanisms that could result in security breaches.

Delay: is a necessary measure if there is a breach, to slow down the intruders long enough to allow a security team to apprehend them before they achieve their objective.

Response: which requires human involvement, covers procedures and actions for assessing the situation and responding to a breach.

Recovery: is your plan to continue business and operations as normally as possible following an incident